HARVEST (Family Service 21st September)
Once again, with your help, we will be supporting BOLTON HOSPICE and
BOLTON HOSPICE – with gifts of food and other items – see list below;
• Any tinned meats, fruits or soups
• Any fruit juice in bottles or cartons
• Sugar, tea, coffee, Ovaltine, Horlicks etc
• Cakes, biscuits (please, not homemade due to health and safety laws)
• Men’s and Ladies toiletries
Please ensure food items are well within use by date.
WINTER WATCH – with monetary donations. Envelopes for this will be available in church soon.

We’ve had our GRUB TUB in church now since the end of January and it’s been filled eight times with all your donations of food, which have been delivered to Urban Outreach to be sorted and packed into bags and given out to people in need. A letter of thanks has been received from Urban Outreach.
SAMARITAN’S PURSE – SHOE BOXES (Family Service. 16th November 2014)
This will be the 14th year we have supported Samaritan’s Purse appeal by filling our shoe boxes with goodies that appeal to three different age groups; boys and girls:
2 to 4 years
5 to 9 years
10 to 14 years
When you receive the leaflets it will tell you what items can be included and also what NOT to include.
You will need to cover your box with some bright wrapping paper; then stick on your label and tick the correct age and indicate Boy or Girl. Inside your box, on top of the items, enclose a cheque or cash in an envelope for €3 – this goes towards transportation costs. The leaflets will be available as soon as I receive them.
Can we say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone for all the support we’ve received over the years for all the charities we are involved in.
Maureen Roocroft.