Bank Top Offerings

WhiteBlue_Large_URCLogoThis article is a follow-up from the financial breakdown that Val Singleton explained to us during our recent service.

First let me thank each and every one of you for the continued support that is given to Bank Top throughout the year.

It is heart warming to be among so many caring individuals that form the Bank Top family.


They say that time and tide waits for no man, and where the finances of Bank Top are concerned that is very true. The recent changes to the contribution Bank Top has to make to the synod  together with the usual inflationary pressures that occur means we are running the Church at a loss. The offerings we receive from regular attenders is a wonderful gift however we would like to ask that you consider  giving even when you are unable to attend meetings.

There are a number of ways in which this can be done;

  •  Standing Order
    If you can set up a regular standing order, this gives Val an advanced picture of monies that are coming in. If you are a tax payer and fill out a gift aid form Bank Top can also claim money back from the government. For a Bank Top Standing Order Request form please click on the link and print off. (all your personal detail are kept confidential and the only person that can alter a standing order is yourself)
  •  Offering Envelopes
    These are designed so that you can budget a regular offering each week and  place them in the collection whenever you are able to join us at our regular Sunday services.  (If you would like some envelopes please ask Val Singleton)
  •  Sunday Service Offerings
    Each week we collect offering from people attending the Sunday service.

Bank Top has long been a communal focal point for many groups and organisation, so anything you are able to give to help Bank Top raise the funding needed would be gratefully received.

Thanks and God Bless you All